Opening Shots

Opening up a new blog raises a range of questions: what to cover, what style to adopt, who will ever read it?

Who knows to the last point, but the other questions will probably be answered by a bit of evolution.

This first post is to provide a basis for developing a voice in my new role as a Consultant to follow on from the posts I wrote for the Heather Trust's blog.  Anne Gray takes over from me as Director on Monday morning.  Where did that 16 years go?!

My role for HT may have been full on, but there is still some fire in my belly that I intend to apply to the cause in continuing support of the Trust, but also in parallel to the Trust as an independent consultant, should any opportunities appear.

I will not be reaching for the cardigan and slippers just yet.  Initially, my support for the Trust will include a continuing a role with Scotland's Moorland Forum, and on other groups where I  am chairman. I will be providing support with some projects and some general support for Anne as she settles into the new role.

It would be good to establish some dialogue on this blog, and there is a comment facility at the bottom of this page to assist you.  Tell me what you think, or propose topics for discussion.


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